For most of my life, I wore extremely low-quality clothing because even fast-fashion brands like Zara or H&M were too expensive for my family and me. This experience fueled my determination to never settle for less. I set out not only to create beautiful designs but also to produce high-quality garments that make luxury affordable.
Don't Settle for Less - Our Core Mission.

I would love to share with you a story I read long ago that left a lasting impression on me. It was about a boy named E., who grew up in a poor immigrant family. Despite their financial struggles, his family saved up to buy him a birthday present—a cherished bike. Unfortunately, E. was hit by a car driven by a wealthy doctor. Not only did E. suffer serious wounds, but his bike was also wrecked. The doctor promised to cover the hospital bills and replace the bike if E. didn’t report the accident, but he never kept his word. E.’s family had to borrow money to pay for the medical expenses, and the bike was never replaced.
This traumatic event left a deep scar on E., but it also motivated him to work hard and become a lawyer, eventually rising to the position of a judge. He dedicated his career to protecting the rights of the disadvantaged and developing stronger civil rights policies and legislation.
This story profoundly inspired me and has shaped my mission ever since. Now, let me share my own journey with you. For most of my life, I wore extremely low-quality clothing because even fast-fashion brands like Zara or H&M were too expensive for my family and me. This experience fueled my determination to never settle for less. I set out not only to create beautiful designs but also to produce high-quality garments that make luxury affordable.
This mission has intentionally shaped one of Sylphic's core principles: quality. This value guides every decision we make, from selecting suppliers and factories to every stitch and piece of fabric we use. Quality is our deal-breaker. As the designer and founder of Sylphic, I personally source not only the best aesthetic fabrics to bring designs to life but also every other element—from zippers and buttons to accessories and labels. Each component is rigorously tested before being incorporated into Sylphic garments. Our goal is to ensure that our products are as close to perfect as possible.
At Sylphic, we don’t just want you to remember our brand; we want you to remember the experience our products give you. We’re committed to providing you with clothing that not only looks beautiful but also stands the test of time through exceptional quality and timeless designs.
– Yours sincerely, Anh